Vol. 15 No. 2 (2010)

Published: 05-10-2010


The Dialogic Turn in Educational Psychology

Sandra Racionero, Maria Padrós
Abstract 1273 | PDF (Español) Downloads 1942

The Role on Non-expert Adult Guidance in the Dialogic Construction of Knowledge

Itxaso Tellado, Simona Sava
Abstract 931 | PDF (Español) Downloads 1610

Sub-communities of Mutual Learners in the Classroom: The Case of Interactive Groups

Carmen Elboj, Reko Niemela
Abstract 2156 | PDF (Español) Downloads 1902

Dialogic Imagination in Literacy Development

María Ángeles Serrano, Jasmina Mirceva
Abstract 1280 | PDF (Español) Downloads 864

Socio-cultural Transformation and the Promotion of Learning

Rocío García, Elena Duque, Teodor Mircea Alexiu
Abstract 1822 | PDF (Español) Downloads 970

Mead's Contributions to Learners' Identities

Silvia Molina, Suzanne Gatt, Ignasi Puigdellívol
Abstract 497 | PDF (Español) Downloads 397

Cultural Intelligence in the School

Mimar Ramis, Lïga Krastina
Abstract 1033 | PDF (Español) Downloads 888

Distributed Cognition in Community-based Education

Carlos Herrero, Maria Brown
Abstract 1680 | PDF (Español) Downloads 605