Fokalizazioa: hurbilpen teorikoa eta zenbait aplikapen eukal narratiban



Argitaratua 1991-04-02
Mari Jose Olaziregi


The objective of this article is basically two-fold. In the first place to highlight the evolution that has taken place in what has been so far called, "the narrative point of view" (or Focalization) within the Theory of literature and literary Criticism and, in the second place, after studying different relevant works in the present Basque Literature, to apply it to 100 meter (1976) by Ramon' Saizarbitoria, one of the novels considered to be original and breaking away from the trend in our too young Basque narrative literature.
   As for above mentioned first objective, the abundance of terminologies used to describe this aspect of the narrative text and the amount of different existing approaches to the subject have strongly induced the descriptive nature of this article. In this sense, we can say that from the "Critical prefaces" by Henry James to the latest criticism written, after Figures III (1972) by Gérard Genette in the field of present day narrative literature, have enabled a more rigorous and systematic approach to the subject. However, as we have stressed all along the article, all these approaches to the problem of Focalization have "focused" on the problem with too an "inherent" point of view without considering the pragmatic aspect of all literary work. That is why, as a conclusion, it would be interesting to consider the contributions by S. Rimmon-Kenan, S. Sniader Lanser, and path-markers such as Boris Uspensky, who, basing their approach on the semiotic nature of Focalization, have tried to propose a model which takes into account the different characteristics of narrative literature.

Nola aipatu

Olaziregi, Mari Jose. 1991. «Fokalizazioa: Hurbilpen Teorikoa Eta Zenbait Aplikapen Eukal Narratiban». Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 25 (1):3-63.
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