Another ditransitive auxiliary verb in western Gipuzkoa: the origin and development of -ag- root forms



Published 13-09-2021
Borja Ariztimuño Lopez


In this paper I will deal with an auxiliary verb that appears only in the varieties of western Gipuzkoa (e.g. Otxoa Arin’s diago), with two main goals: on the one hand, to make the first classification of all the documented forms (including some previously unidentified ones), and on the other, to establish the relationship between these forms and the equally little studied ones of Lazarraga’s jago type, presenting a proposal on their origin and development. Thus, through the philological study of the texts and internal reconstruction, it can be concluded that in the Basque language of the northeastern Araba and the Deba basin, characteristic ditransitive forms of the verb *edun developed which historically show a root -ag- and always agree with the third person dative.

How to Cite

Ariztimuño Lopez, Borja. 2021. “Another Ditransitive Auxiliary Verb in Western Gipuzkoa: The Origin and Development of -Ag- Root Forms”. Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 54 (1-2):265-78.
Abstract 330 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 198


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