Some data for the history of the surname Lujanbio



Published 29-01-2025
Oihana Lujanbio


This paper studies the history of the surname Lujanbio. To this end, the digital archives of the Sacramental Records of the Basque Autonomous Community have been utilized. It is well known that the surname Lujanbio has a number of variants, e. g. Lukanbio and Luxanbio. Other variants are likewise studied, Lusanbio, Usanbio, Uzanbio, Luxandio and Luganbio. This paper also explores the potential roots of the surname, and the surnames Luxan, Lujan, Lucan, Lusan, Luzan eta Luxa, Luja, Luca, Luga, Lusa, Luza, Lucha are also considered. Variants with the root vowel -e- have also been found, Lesanbio, Lexanbioa, Lejanvigo. Some similarities have been found between the series corresponding to Lexan and Luxan. Building on these data, the goal of this paper is to reflect on the origin of the different graphic representations of the surname and their phonetic value.

How to Cite

Lujanbio, Oihana. 2025. “Some Data for the History of the Surname Lujanbio”. Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 57 ((1-2):631-48.
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