Basque Writing in the Iberian Context: Brief Notes on the Translations of Basque Literature



Publicado 16-04-2009
Mari Jose Olaziregi


After considering the function of translated literature (from Basque, into Basque) in our literary system, the article analyzes the relations between the literatures of Spain (Catalan, Galician and Spanish). Some reflections on the evolution of translated Basque literature, and the contribution this translated Basque literature is making to the Iberian Interliterary System, complete the article.

Cómo citar

Olaziregi, Mari Jose. 2009. «Basque Writing in the Iberian Context: Brief Notes on the Translations of Basque Literature». Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 43 (1-2):657-62.
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