Mikoletaren 1653ko elkarrizketa itzulien espainolezko jatorrizkoez, eta haien (in)dependentzia mailaz jatorrizko hizkuntzaren aldean / About the Spanish originals of Mikoleta's translated dialogues of 1653, and their (in)dependence level with respect to the original language
Once established that the Mikoleta's manuscript we know is from the hands of Mr. Sainthill (Hidalgo to appear a; Ibarra & Hidalgo 2020), the aim of the research work shown in the article has been to establish as accurately as possible the original text of the translated dialogues of Mikoleta, so that we could reflect in detail on the reliability and value of the language of the translation as evidence of the language of the time and place (Hidalgo to appear b). And for that, first, we compared Mikoleta's Spanish manuscript with its possible sources, specifying their differences, and especially emphasizing the influence of these differences on the Basque translation. Secondly, we compared the similarities and significant differences between the Basque text and the possible Spanish original, to get a clearer idea of the translation models and procedures used by Mikoleta, and thus of the level of fidelity, dependence, flexibility, freedom of the target language outcome compared to the source language texts.
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