"Aucun prophète n'est bien reçu dans son pays". Ana Ürrüti (1826-1900) ebanjelista eta itzultzailearen bizitza eta gutunak / "Aucun prophète n'est bien reçu dans son pays". The life and letters of evangelist and translator Anna Urruty (1826-1900)



Publicado 18-10-2023
Manuel Padilla Moyano


In Basque Studies, Anna Urruty, a nineteenth-century evangelist and translator from the Country of Soule, was long forgotten until Roque (2013) revived her memory. The goal of this paper is twofold. On the one hand, I reveal new data sketching out Anna Urruty’s biography. On the other, I present a recently found set of letters sent by Urruty to the Bayonne pastor, Joseph Nogaret. Anna Urruty’s letters in French are a particularly valuable source of information regarding three aspects: 1) Anna Urruty’s life itself; 2) the history of Basque texts; and 3) the network of Protestant Basques in the nineteenth century.

Cómo citar

Padilla Moyano, Manuel. 2023. «"Aucun prophète n’est Bien reçu Dans Son pays". Ana Ürrüti (1826-1900) Ebanjelista Eta Itzultzailearen Bizitza Eta Gutunak / "Aucun prophète n’est Bien reçu Dans Son pays&Quot;. The Life and Letters of Evangelist and Translator Anna Urruty (1826-1900)». Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 56 (2):245-302. https://doi.org/10.1387/asju.24116.
Abstract 337 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 234


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