About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Since it was founded more than thirty years ago, Management Letters/Cuadernos de Gestión has consistently published articles combining scientific accuracy with useful proposals and prescriptions for improvements in business management. This combination makes a perfect match for the mission of the journal's founding body, the Instituted of Applied Business Economics at the UPV/EHU (University of The Basque Country), which works to put Business Science at the service of society, by closing the gap between the business and the academic worlds and facilitating greater mutual understanding.

Management Letters/Cuadernos de Gestión is an international and multi-disciplinary publication for the dissemination of high quality academic research articles on Business Management. The emphasis of the journal is on research based studies which contribute to theory, critical understanding and policy formulation on Business Management.

Papers published in Management Letters/Cuadernos de Gestión cover theoretical, methodological and empirical studies spanning a broad range of disciplines and perspectives that contribute significantly to the study and clarification of problems in firms. This journal endeavors to provide a critical forum for world class contributions which make an impact on business management and the areas of specialization related.

Management Letters/Cuadernos de Gestión is a double-blind peer reviewed journal, published twice a year in both online and printed versions. All publications are open access in full text and free to download. The journal's Editorial Board decision on acceptance is final, and will always be based on favorable reports from the anonymous referees.

Peer Review Process

The Editors-in-Chief will perform an initial appraisal of each submitted manuscript based on its fit with the focus and scope of the Journal Management Letters/Cuadernos de Gestión. If the submitted manuscript complies with these criteria, the Editors-in-Chief perform a second appraisal of the manuscript based on the scientific merit and validity of the article and its methodology, the relevance of the article, the interest of the topic to the reader, and the presentation and understandability of the article itself.

This initial evaluation will be conducted by the journal's editorial board and will take approximately four weeks as of reception of the paper. If it is determined that the paper does not meet the required criteria, a grounded response will be sent to the author.

If the submitted manuscript is suitable to be sent to a peer review, the Editor-in-Chief send the paper to the Section Editor who is responsible to assign at least two Reviewers without potential conflicts of interests and specialist of the topic. CG adheres to a rigorous double-blind reviewing policy, in which the identity of both the reviewers and author(s) are always concealed from both parties. Reviewers will evaluate the manuscript within a term of eight weeks as of the date in which they agree to review it.

The reviewers will return their recommendations and reports to the Section Editor, providing general comments to the editor and both general and specific comments to the author(s). Constructive comments that might help the authors improve their work are passed on anonymously (even if editor does not accept the submitted manuscript). After that, editor assesses them, and then makes a decision on whether to reject the manuscript. This will be communicated to the authors (rejected, accepted or accepted with modifications), including the reviewer's comments.

In the case that the article has been accepted with modifications, authors will have to make the changes suggested and, if not, he or she will have to adequately justify the decision not to do so. Upon sending the revised version, the author will have to attach a note explaining the changes made and discussing, if necessary, the suggestions or criticism by the reviewers and the editing staff in representation of the editorial board. The author will be given approximately four weeks to make the changes requested.

Revised manuscripts may be subject to further peer review if appropriate. The final decision on acceptability for publication lies with the Editors.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Publication Frequency

Management Letters/Cuadernos de Gestión is published two regular issues a year. All issues of one year belong to the same volume. Occasionally, Management Letters/Cuadernos de Gestión publishes special issues or chooses a topic of interest for which it calls articles and commissions the editing process to a guest editor. For these special issues, an open call for papers will be publish on the journal’s website.

CG offers “Online First”, by which final revision articles (completed articles in queue for assignment to an upcoming issue) are published online before they are included in a final journal issue.

Open Access Policy

Management Letters/Cuadernos de Gestión is an Open Access journal, that provides immediate open access to its content without charge to the user or his/her institution, on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. The contents are published using a Creative-Commons license  (Attribute, Non-Commercial, Non-Derivative, CC BY-NC-ND), not allowing the commercial use of the original work or the generation of derivative works.

Publish without fees

Management Letters/Cuadernos de Gestión does not charge any cost to the authors derived from the processing, evaluation or publication of articles.

After acceptance

Proof reading: When a manuscript is accepted for publication, we will email a PDF with the proofs to the corresponding author who should revise and correct the first proofs in 5 days from the date they receive them.

On-line First publication: Once the final articles proofs have been corrected the articles will be published online before they are included in a final print issue.

Each Online First manuscript is citable using the date of the manuscript's first online posting and the DOI. Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) are assigned to all Management Letters/Cuadernos de Gestión papers for use on digital networks and the metadata associated with that content is registered in the DOI Foundation (www.doi.org).

E-Prints and Complementary copies: Management Letters/Cuadernos de Gestión provides to the authors a PDF of the final article.


  • Papers received in 2023:251
  • Papers published in 2023:14
  • Rejection rate (2023): 94%
  • Average desk rejection time:10 days
  • Average rejection time after review:122 days
  • Average acceptation time after peer review: 193 days

Indexing and Data Bases

Bibliometrics Indicators

  • ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index) Clarivate Analytics
  • SCOPUS journal metrics
    • CiteScore (2023): 3.0, 69th percentile, 74/242 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous).
    • SCImago Journal & Country Rank (SJR 2023): 0.313, Q2, 210/477 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous)
    • Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP 2023): 0.635
  • Dialnet: Impact 2022: 0.63. Position 22/161 in ECONOMÍA
  • MIAR 2017 - ICDS: 10
  • Dimensions
  • Google Scholar

Repositories and  directories

Publication Ethics

As a peer-reviewed journal, the rigor of scientific publication is expected to be observed in the course of evaluating papers that are submitted. With the aim of guaranteeing transparency in the process of publication, ethical behavior is expected for all parties involved during the publishing process: the author, the journal editor, the peer reviewer of the contributions. The following ethical norms are met by all the parties involved in the publishing process:


The editors of Management Letters/Cuadernos de Gestión have the following duties: (1) They are ultimately responsible for the decisions made with respect to the publication of the manuscripts reviewed; while external reviewers play a key role in these decisions, the final decision to publish a manuscript or not does not fall on them; (2) In no case will members of the various committees of Management Letters/Cuadernos de Gestión disclose information on a submitted manuscript to anyone not directly involved in the editing process; (3) No one with access to submitted manuscripts will use the material contained therein for their own research without the express consent of the author; and (4) They shall guarantee the transparency of the contributions and the review and publication processes. As editors, they must guarantee the confidentiality of all the parties involved in the publishing process.


Authors who submit manuscripts for publication in Management Letters/Cuadernos de Gestión undertake to: (1) Ensure that the manuscripts submitted are unpublished and original works. In addition, any work of other authors used in the manuscripts must be duly cited and referenced; (2) Guarantee that the research findings contained in their manuscripts have not been published and will not be published in another journal; (3) Properly acknowledge the work of others and provide citations for such works; (4) Identify as authors only those who have made significant contributions to their manuscripts. Whoever submits the manuscript will be responsible for guaranteeing that all the authors of the paper are named in the manuscript, as well as in the final version submitted to the magazine; and (5) Duly disclose, in the corresponding section, the source of financing, in the case of manuscripts that are part of a financed research project.


The reviewers who collaborate with Management Letters/Cuadernos de Gestión will perform their task according to the following ethical norms: (1) Any reviewer who does not feel qualified for the task must notify the editors of Management Letters/Cuadernos de Gestión before beginning the review process; (2) The manuscripts received for review must be treated as confidential documents. They must not be shared with anyone without prior knowledge and authorization of the journal’s editorial board; (3) Reviewers must provide arguments for all their decisions and statements so that the editorial board can make the best decisions and the authors can know how to improve their articles; and (4) Reviewers must declare any conflicts of interests or lack of capacity.

Plagiarism and Originality

Authors are required to properly cite and quote sources of literature that they used in their research articles. Plagiarism may be manifested in variety of ways such as using another’s paper as the author’s own paper, intentional or unintentional copying or paraphrasing parts of another’s paper without citation, claiming results from research conducted by others, among others.

In order to minimize the reception and mainly the publication of plagiarized papers, Management Letters/Cuadernos de Gestión going to check the papers received.

Plagiarism Checker

Management Letters/Cuadernos de Gestión recommends the evaluators of scientific articles proposed for publication, the following  plagiarism checkers of the articles under review:

Digital Preservation

Management Letters/Cuadernos de Gestión, through digital preservation methods, ensures the intellectual content of electronic archival documents for long periods of time, maintaining its attributes such as integrity, authenticity, inalterability, originality, reliability and accessibility.

All the contents of Management Letters/Cuadernos de Gestión are currently included in the institutional repository of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, which aims to organize, archive, preserve, disseminate and guarantee the maximum visibility of the intellectual production developed within the university community. This repository, with the purpose of preserving digital documents in the long term, carries out basic measures to ensure their durability: storage on magnetic media, conversion of formats to other more secure ones, checking the integrity of the files to avoid their corruption, migration of obsolete formats or software and digital preservation metadata.

Reviewers for Management Letters/Cuadernos de Gestión (2023)

  • Alcaide Ruiz, María Dolores; Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
  • Arzubiaga Orueta, Unai; Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU, Spain
  • Baraibar Díez, Elisa; Universidad de Cantabria, Spain
  • Bernal Salazar, María Fernanda; Universidad de Cantabria, Spain
  • Bravo Urquiza, Francisco; Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
  • Capó Vicedo, Jordi; Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
  • Carrasco Gallego, Amalia; Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
  • Carvalho da Silva, Bruno; Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
  • Castilla Polo, Francisca; Universidad de Jaén, Spain
  • Catalá Pérez, Daniel; Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
  • Díaz Garrido, Eloisa; Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
  • Diegoli Bueckmann, Rafaela; Tecnológico de Monterrey, México
  • Estrada de la Cruz, Marina; Universidad Miguel Hernández, Spain
  • Fernández Feijoo, Belén; Universidade de Vigo, Spain
  • Fernández López, Sara; Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
  • Fusté Forné, Francesc; Universitat de Girona, Spain
  • García de Frutos, Nieves; Universidad de Almería, Spain
  • García Río, Esther; Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
  • García Sánchez, Isabel María; Universidad de Salamanca, Spain
  • González Sarmiento, Juan Nicolás; Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
  • Gutiérrez Broncano, Santiago; Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
  • Hoyos Iruarrizaga, Jon; Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU, Spain
  • Infantes Sánchez, Paula María; Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
  • Jiménez Castillo, David; Universidad de Almería, Spain
  • Jiménez Parra, Beatriz; Universidad de León, Spain
  • López Penabad, María Celia; Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
  • López Sánchez, Pilar; Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, Spain
  • Luz Casais, Beatriz Graça; University of Minho, Portugal
  • Martínez Carazo, Piedad Cristina; Corporación Universitaria del Caribe, Colombia
  • Matalamäki, Marko; University of Oulu, Finland
  • Moreno Ureba, Elena; Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
  • Mudarra Fernández, Ana Belén; Universidad de Jaén, Spain
  • Muíño Vázquez, María Flora; Universidade da Coruña, Spain
  • Navarro Valverde, Francisco Antonio; Universidad de Granada, Spain
  • Ramón Dangla, Remedios; Universidad de Alicante, Spain
  • Reguera Alvarado, Nuria; Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
  • Regúlez Castillo, Marta; Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU, Spain
  • Revilla Camacho, María Ángeles; Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
  • Rodríguez Castro, Paula Isabel; Universidad de Cádiz, Spain
  • Salcedo Zuta, Néstor Ulaf; ESADE Business School, Spain
  • Santamaría Velasco, Carlos Alberto; Universidad de Guadalajara, México
  • Santiago Torner, Carlos; Universitat de Vic – Universitat Central de Catalunya, Spain
  • Terán Yépez, Eduardo; Universidad de Almería, Spain
  • Urquía Grande, María Elena; Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
  • Valenzuela Fernández, Leslier; Universidad de Chile, Chile
  • Villegas Pinuer, Francisco; Universidad Diego Portales, Chile

Journal MANAGEMENT LETTERS/CUADERNOS DE GESTIÓN, double blind review process, would like to acknowledge the valuable work of the reviewers. The documents below collected the annual list of reviewers:

Reviewers 2023  |  Reviewers 2022  |  Reviewers 2021  |  Reviewers 2020  |  Reviewers 2019  |  Reviewers 2018  |  Reviewers 2017  |  Reviewers 2016  |  Reviewers 2015  |  Reviewers 2014  |  Reviewers 2013  |  Reviewers 2012  |  Reviewers 2011  |  Reviewers 2010  |  Reviewers 2009  |  Reviewers 2008  |  Reviewers 2007


2023 Outstanding Reviewers Award
The criteria considered for awarding reviewers in this edition were based on the clarity, rigor, usefulness, and timeliness of their peer reviews. In general, the quality of the reviews received during 2023 has been truly outstanding. However, the Editorial Committee of Management Letters / Cuadernos de Gestión has selected five reviewers to be commended for their exceptional peer review efforts over the past year.

It is our greatest pleasure to announce the recipients of the 2023 Management Letters / Cuadernos de Gestión Outstanding Reviewers Award. They are:

2022 Outstanding Reviewers Award
The criteria considered for awarding reviewers in this edition were based on the clarity, rigor, usefulness, and timeliness of their peer reviews. In general, the quality of the reviews received during 2022 has been truly outstanding. However, the Editorial Committee of Management Letters / Cuadernos de Gestión has selected five reviewers to be commended for their exceptional peer review efforts over the past year.

It is our greatest pleasure to announce the recipients of the 2022 Management Letters / Cuadernos de Gestión Outstanding Reviewers Award. They are:

2021 Outstanding Reviewers Award
The criteria considered for awarding reviewers in this edition were based on the clarity, rigor, usefulness, and timeliness of their peer reviews. In general, the quality of the reviews received during 2021 has been truly outstanding. However, the Editorial Committee of Management Letters / Cuadernos de Gestión has selected five reviewers to be commended for their exceptional peer review efforts over the past year.

It is our greatest pleasure to announce the recipients of the 2021 Management Letters / Cuadernos de Gestión Outstanding Reviewers Award. They are:

2020 Best Reviewer Award
The Editorial Committee of Management Letters / Cuadernos de Gestión is pleased to announce the Best Reviewer Award to recognize the important contribution made by our anonymous reviewers. The criteria used for the selection will be: (1) the quality of the reviews performed, identifying those that provide concrete and comprehensive ideas for improvement to the authors, regardless of whether the recommendation is rejection or acceptance; (2) the timely delivery of the reviews; and (3) the number of reviews performed.

The 2020 Best Reviewer Award of Management Letters / Cuadernos de Gestión, has been awarded to Dr. Daniel Vázquez Bustelo, from the Universidad de Oviedo for the very high quality of the review performed.

Highly Cited Paper Award
The editorial Committee of Management Letters / Cuadernos de Gestión is pleased to announce the Highly Cited Paper Awards*, which recognize the most cited papers of each year. We hope that these awards will encourage the publishing of more high-quality papers in MLCG.

We would like to congratulate those authors for their significant contributions.

*Sources: Scopus and WoS, considering the citations received in the year of publication and the next two years.


Fundación Emilio Soldevilla para la Investigación y el Desarrollo en Economía de la Empresa (FESIDE)

Institute of Applied Business Economics (UPV/EHU)

Economics and Business Faculty

Avenida Lehendakari Aguirre, 83

48015 Bilbao -Bizkaia (Spain)


Tel: 94 601 3871


Email:  revista.cuadernosdegestion@ehu.eus


Journal History

Management Letters/Cuadernos de Gestión is a six- monthly publication dedicated to academic papers on Business Economics, theoretical and empirical peer-reviewed articles. It was founded in 1985 by the Institute of Applied Business Economics at the University of The Basque Country (UPV / EHU). It has consistently published articles combining scientific accuracy with useful proposals and prescriptions for improvements in business management. The scientific knowledge areas include Finance, Accounting, Business Administration, Marketing and Markets Research and Human Resources, open also to other fields as long as these contribute significantly to addressing problems in business management.

It is regularly indexed in the following databases: SCOPUS, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), DOAJ, e-revist@s, Latindex, Redalyc, Dialnet, Open Science Directory, EBSCO Publishing, among others.

Management Letters/Cuadernos de Gestión is classified as an excellent journal by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), which belongs to the Spanish Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness.