No. 10 (2012): Innovation

Published: 18-07-2014

IKD: Teaching & Learning Higher Education Model for the xxist Century

Itziar Alkorta Idiakez
Abstract 321 | PDF (Español) Downloads 285

Innovation and Technology: the Torres Quevedo cable cars

Josu Aramberri, Francisco A. González Redondo
Abstract 343 | PDF (Español) Downloads 1142

Innovating art through the new contemporary values

Mariano de Blas Ortega
Abstract 658 | PDF (Español) Downloads 337

From Fabrorum geometry to the geometry of construction

Lino Cabezas Gelabert
Abstract 478 | PDF (Español) Downloads 464

Innovation: learning from the past

Javier Cenicacelaya
Abstract 145 | PDF (Español) Downloads 129

A sound perspective on innovation in art and pedagogy

Josep Cerdà Ferré, Martí Ruiz Carulla
Abstract 361 | PDF (Español) Downloads 783

Innovation in building

Javier Manterola Armisén
Abstract 385 | PDF (Español) Downloads 388

Research and innovation in (and from) Fine Arts

Juan Bta. Peiró López, Paula Santiago Martín de Madrid
Abstract 215 | PDF (Español) Downloads 372

Innovation either competences against the knowledge

Agustín Ramos Irizar
Abstract 140 | PDF (Español) Downloads 121

Contemporary art and technological innovation

Josu Rekalde Izaguirre
Abstract 240 | PDF (Español) Downloads 300

The integration of innovations: a new paradigm favouring social change

Josemari Ruiz Urchegui
Abstract 443 | PDF (Español) Downloads 463

Innovation either competences against the knowledge

Diana Sánchez Mustieles
Abstract 200 | PDF (Español) Downloads 490