Posible localización de la "Otogesa" de César



Published 20-02-2012
Valeriano Yarza Urquiola


The aim of this work is to identify the location of a Spanish city quoted by Caesar three times in Book One of his work De bello ciuili. Caesar called this city Otogesa and located it in the Ilerdense area on the banks of the Ebro. At the moment there is no agreement between the few scholars that have addressed the theme on the location of the quoted oppidum and its possible past and present name. In our attempt to adjust as far as is possible to the facts of Caesar's story and also learning from additional information such as epigraphy, we suggest Tivisa village near Tarragona as the city that Caesar refers to. Tivisa, whose ancient name may have been, in our opinion, Otobesa, was an Iberian village of great importance until the Roman conquest.

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