ZER obtiene el sello de calidad FECYT
ZER ha obtenido el sello de calidad FECYT en la convocatoria 2020.
ZER is a six-monthly journal published by the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication at the University of the Basque Country/ Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. It publishes scientific articles in Spanish, Basque and English in the area of communication after external double-blind peer review. ZER, which is present in major international databases and evaluation platforms, is among the journals with the biggest impact in its field. It also has reviews of the most important recently published books
Page 13-16
Page 19-38
Page 39-64
Page 87-104
Page 105-126
Page 127-146
Page 147-169
Page 171-187
Page 191-220
Page 221-243
Page 245-265
Page 267-292
Page 295-296
Page 297-299
Page 300-301
Page 302-304
Page 305-306
ZER ha obtenido el sello de calidad FECYT en la convocatoria 2020.