Incidence of artistic practices in the social transformation of the territory Case study- Hilarte Association, Guayaquil, Ecuador



Published 2023-10-26
Patricio Sánchez Quinchuela


This article vindicates artistic practices as a means for the development of the community and the social transformation of a territory, beyond the good use of free time or recreation. They are those neighborhood or community spaces located in peripheral or marginal areas of a city where artistic practices are adapted to the environment, unlike conventional spaces for the production and circulation of artistic and cultural goods, products and services, such as galleries, theaters or art centers. In this framework, the experience of the Hilarte Community Association in Trinitaria island in Guayaquil city is addressed, which has promoted the development of artistic practices as an axis of a sensitive pedagogy and a meeting space that promotes the social interaction of the community in an area populated almost entirely by Afro-descendant families with conditions of economic poverty, social marginalization and limited access to education, health, housing, cultural services, among others. Interviews, testimonies from stakeholders and project analysis and actions carried out in this context, allow us to know the significant factors and impacts of social transformation evident in this territory.

How to Cite

Sánchez Quinchuela, Patricio. 2023. “Incidence of Artistic Practices in the Social Transformation of the Territory: Case Study- Hilarte Association, Guayaquil, Ecuador”. AusArt 11 (2).
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