Cinema in contemporary art museums Presentation and communication conflict



Published 2015-01-01
Mikel Imanol Rotaeche González de Ubieta


Artworks on film are in the core of contemporary art practice. Despite this, their integration to museum collections has been done in quite an erratic manner. While video has been exhibited as soon after its emergence it has taken almost a century for film to acquire the status of "artwork" and to stop being considered as a document. This difference in management approach has resulted in a poor comprehension of the technical and artistic dimensions, and this misunderstanding has got, in turn, a real impact on the exhibition and conservation of this heritage. The analysis of the official vocabulary of the Spanish Ministry of Culture, the one used by the main artistic institution of the country, and a case o study it would be possible to demonstrate how important is to use a clear and specific terminology to assure the proper treatment and exhibition of this Contemporary Heritage.

How to Cite

Rotaeche González de Ubieta, Mikel Imanol. 2015. “Cinema in Contemporary Art Museums: Presentation and Communication Conflict”. AusArt 2 (2).
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