Max Aub's cinematographic literature A new perception of extermination



Published 2018-12-30
Rebeca Gómez Cifuentes


Max Aub embodies one of the most striking testimonies of the concentration camps of the 20th century. Affiliated with the freedom of man, he can only escape the unpleasant reality that marked the era of extermination by hiding beneath fiction. The life must be transformed into experience to avoid memorization. He fled from manichaeism by making his innumerable characters speak, giving the last word to the reader who will form his chronicle of the most ill-fated era of History. The universe of his texts on the camps becomes a perfect metaphor of the labyrinthine conception that Aub maintained of the human being and of his own existence and in a demonstration that autobiographical writing is not necessary to find out the truth of life. Obviously, a new way of looking, where the mimetic, the diegetic and the extradiegetic merge is needed. A cinematographic literature, because cinema and literature share territory: the territory of dreams.

How to Cite

Gómez Cifuentes, Rebeca. 2018. “Max Aub’s Cinematographic Literature: A New Perception of Extermination”. AusArt 6 (2).
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