Formative space in classical dance A philosophical reflection



Published 2019-07-11
Sarahí Lay Trigo


In the world of dance in general and in classical dance in particular, space determines the borderline reality in which the dancer performs the most exact anthropotechnical practices and where the interpretive forces take place (also known as duende, artistic projection and / or artistry). The human being confronts the space that inhabits. But not only the spaces (as structures), also the things that coexist inside the spaces sustain the reality of human beings, that is why it is important to reflect on them. In the case of classical dance, these things serve as working tools, they are the bar, the mirror, the floor, the work clothes, the shoes and the resin, for pointing out the most important ones. In this work, I make a philosophical reflection on the influence and meaning that these work tools acquire throughout the formative years of ballet dancers.

How to Cite

Lay Trigo, Sarahí. 2019. “Formative Space in Classical Dance: A Philosophical Reflection”. AusArt 7 (1).
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