Theater and virtual reality as an experimental methodology for the humanities
Manuel Cebral Loureda
Although the so-called Exact Sciences have an extensively contrasted laboratory for centuries, where objective qualities of various phenomena of the world are put to the test quantitatively, the same does not happen with the Humanities. The relative character of its object -the human beings and their forms of artistic and philosophical expression, mainly- as well as the subjective nature of the faculties they put into play -sensitivity, affections and even historical awareness- make the modern scientific laboratory method is not enough in this area of research. To respond to this problem, theater may be an appropriate methodology, as philosophers such as Gilles Deleuze or Graham Harman have proposed in recent years. While there are certain disagreements between these two philosophers, this article aims to show important common features as well as the way in which both conceptions of theater and philosophy can be reinforced by the application of new technologies - virtual and / or augmented reality - giving place to the contemporary Digital Humanities laboratories based on simulation, immersion and interaction.
How to Cite
Cebral Loureda, Manuel. 2020. “Theater and Virtual Reality As an Experimental Methodology for the Humanities”. AusArt 8 (1).
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Kindler, Eugene & Ivan Krivy. 2011. “Object-oriented simulation of systems with sophisticated control”. International Journal of General Systems 40 (3): 313-43.
Kroes, Neelie. 2012. “Information is the new oil!”. Interview... by Laurent Nicolas. The New Federalist (blog), 4 Jan.,04732
Latour, Bruno. (2005) 2008. Reensamblar lo social: Una introducción a la teoría del actor-red. Traducción, Gabriel Zadunaisky. Buenos Aires: Manantial
Poster, Mark & David Savat, eds. 2009. Deleuze and new technology. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University
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