It’s a relief to be able to pay attention Notes about a learning community, educational research and the figure of art educator in times of neoconservatism and methodicalism



Published 2020-06-30
Leire Aranburu Etxegoien Amaia Urzain Martínez


The article proposes a reflection on how, from the university, places of transit such as learning communities like ARTikertuz can be created where subjects under construction dialogue to think about transforming educational practices from the perspective of art. Bearing in mind that neoconservative ideology and pragmatism are the order of the day, the modes of narrative research are proclaimed as strategies of resistance to the neoliberal drift of educational institutions. In the article we first situate the reader in front of the context of research within a learning community as a tool of resistance; we situate the proposal in a theoretical and conceptual framework that allows us to approach the experience from reflectivity, understanding the very act of writing (of this article) as an investigation of what happens when people come together.

How to Cite

Aranburu Etxegoien, Leire, and Amaia Urzain Martínez. 2020. “It’s a Relief to Be Able to Pay Attention: Notes about a Learning Community, Educational Research and the Figure of Art Educator in Times of Neoconservatism and Methodicalism”. AusArt 8 (1).
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