Liminal poetics in the contemporary world Creation and education in digital humanities
The digital humanities present in our educational principles/ideologies/thinking are the result of an academic tradition which traces its origin on the late forties of the XX century with the works of Roberto Busa, pioneer of the computational linguistics and the development of the known as Humanities Computing. Since the digital revolution, characterized by the radical changes caused by computation and communication technology during – and after- the second half of the XX Century, we are offered the opportunity of overcoming the idea of the 'two scientific cultures', fostering the social sciences, engineering, and sciences as a whole. The participation in multiple digital cultures – screen cultures, of the oral, of remix, of the visual, of the transmedia, of the prototype, of design- and universal (culture derived from the free software), contributes to revitalize the discourse and the social role of humanities in our contemporary world.
How to Cite
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