'Letters to ultramarine', an audio-photographic installation Discomforts in the landscape according to sound and image



Published 2021-06-30
Gustavo José Balbela de Azambuja Isadora Nocchi Martins


How can an audio-photographic installation contribute to the understanding of tensions and discomforts that emanate from an urban and Latin American landscape, taking as its object an upper middle-class neighborhood in Porto Alegre? This is the discussion that this article proposes, based on the analysis of the creation process behind the installation 'Letters to ultramarine'. The consequences of foreign cultural interference, neoliberal globalization and even colonialism in this landscape are constant, but they are so deeply embedded in the Global South's urban tissue that they sometimes seem to disappear in the eyes of its inhabitants. In this context, the installation seeks to negotiate these tensions as a way to establish a critical position in regards to the landscape. We observed that the audio-photographic format enhances the observation of different layers of these discomforts, while allowing the viewer to transpose the specific context explored by the work into their own contexts.

How to Cite

Balbela de Azambuja, Gustavo José, and Isadora Nocchi Martins. 2021. “’Letters to ultramarine’, an Audio-Photographic Installation: Discomforts in the Landscape According to Sound and Image”. AusArt 9 (1). https://doi.org/10.1387/ausart.22616.
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