Recording the identities of urban sound ecosystems as a basis for contemporary artistic creation



Published 2021-06-30
Jaime Alejandro Cornelio Yacaman


The sound identity of an ecosystem manifests itself in a complex way, in constant transformation, responding at each moment to different phenomena that constitute or emerge in each place. Recording the sounds that emerge from urban ecosystems is part of a cognitive experience that can be analysed, identified and used in artistic creation. Based on the research questions: what temporal, spatial, geographical, social and perceptual (subjective) elements are involved in the construction of a sound ecosystem?, what factors must be taken into consideration during its recording?, and how can the recording of a sound from an ecosystem tell us something about the identity of this ecosystem?,  the aim of the article is to analyse the relationships between sound, music, art and society in the shaping of territorial sound identity (sound ecosystems) in some significant cases. The analysis will be carried out on the basis of complexity theories (Morin 2010; Whitehead 1920; Stengers 2005; Latour 1995; De Landa 1997) and some case studies (own work; Vigueras 2016; Philipsz 2010; Geometry Global 2016; Heuson 2014). This article aims to contribute to a deepening of the concept of sound recording that can serve the creation of sound art.

How to Cite

Cornelio Yacaman, Jaime Alejandro. 2021. “Recording the Identities of Urban Sound Ecosystems As a Basis for Contemporary Artistic Creation”. AusArt 9 (1).
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