Enhancing the value of the cultural landscape of Jumilla An approach through an artistic proposal



Published 2021-12-27
Miguel Ángel Lozano Jiménez
Gloria Lapeña Gallego


Our object of research and artistic intervention is the cultural landscape of the Protected Designation of Origin of Jumilla (Murcia), linked to the agriculture of the vine. Based on Alan Roger's conception of the configuration of the landscape by means of artealisation, made up of material intervention in situ and in visu participation of the active observer, we set ourselves the objective of designing a contemporary artistic construction in line with the heritage traces of the Jumilla landscape, specifically the so-called “cucos”, vernacular constructions in the form of shelters. As conclusions we highlight the conjunction of different perceptive elements in the work which, once located in one of the spots of the landscape we are dealing with, will serve to promote wine tourism in a more active way than the mere visualization of audiovisual narratives by the visitor, typical of theme parks; and the formal, material and conceptual adequacy of the new construction with the existing heritage of this cultural landscape.

How to Cite

Lozano Jiménez, Miguel Ángel, and Gloria Lapeña Gallego. 2021. “Enhancing the Value of the Cultural Landscape of Jumilla: An Approach through an Artistic Proposal”. AusArt 9 (2). https://doi.org/10.1387/ausart.23026.
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