The deconstruction of text’s body Rewritten novels through the choreographic language



Published 2022-06-28
Cintia Borges Carreras


In the dance narrative discourse, the body becomes a rhizomatic entity from which the symbolic senses of self-movement are framed. Literary semantics is a resource used to make word’s mimesis in choreographic language, reconfigured to a vocabulary that, still not verbal, is presented analogous to poetic action. If the choreographic work takes the literary account as a reference from which to illustrate its own dramaturgy, the dynamic writing of the movement, significant and discursive, deals with a deconstruction of the text beyond transforming the inherent mechanisms of telling. The conceptualization of this type of choreographic writing stands out when the literary text is the genesis of the text’s body.

Therefore, towards an epistemology of what is narrated through the body, it is inquired in the use of theories and in the concretion of concepts, applicable to dance as indispensable foundations to hermeneutics handling of the choreographic language.

How to Cite

Borges Carreras, Cintia. 2022. “The Deconstruction of text’s Body: Rewritten Novels through the Choreographic Language”. AusArt 10 (1).
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