Interview-art From spoken word to written word in artistic research



Published 2022-06-28
Sarahí Lay Trigo


This article focuses on the interview as a strategy of approach in artistic research and, on the dilemmas that the researcher faces when he/she has to transfer the dialogue with the other/others to a written text. In other words, when the researcher wants to reflect in a written text that dialogue that goes beyond the word. Since in the interactive dialogue between the interviewee and the interviewer, not only words are exchanged, but also looks, movements, and endless emotions and absences (such as silences) that can only be experienced when the researcher is working in the field. Especially when working with artists, who in themselves could be read as texts, since even the very presence of the protagonist gives an account of his/her life, his/her processes and his/her ways of being and doing in art. That is why it is important to reflect on the nature of the interview and on the act of transferring what is spoken to what is written in artistic research.

How to Cite

Lay Trigo, Sarahí. 2022. “Interview-Art: From Spoken Word to Written Word in Artistic Research”. AusArt 10 (1).
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