The Museum of Pedagogy of Belgrade (Serbia) and the communication of educational heritage



Published 15-06-2016
Ana Galán Pérez


This article aims to provide an approach to the Museum of Pedagogy in Belgrade (Serbia) and its exhibition display. Opened in 2007, the Museum can offer a clear and informative message of the History of Education in Serbia since its beginning to the Twentieth century. The museum was visited in August 2015 by the author of this paper, that collected the Catalogue and others, and tooked pictures about it in order to be able to write this paper.
Understanding the Educational Heritage as the main subject of the Museum, we began the paper with the concept of didactical museography, to then treat the origin and the history of the museum and its collections with a mention of the Museum stakeholders. Subsequently, following the photographic documentation, we try the display development.

How to Cite

Galán Pérez, A. (2016). The Museum of Pedagogy of Belgrade (Serbia) and the communication of educational heritage. Cabás. International Journal on Historical-Educational Heritage, (15), 201–218. (Original work published December 21, 2023)
Abstract 47 | Cabas1512 (Español) Downloads 20



Educational Heritage, Museums, Museography

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Historical-Educational Heritage Centres