Freinet Pedagogy in Spain: the importance of Cooperative Movement of people's school (MCEP)



Published 15-12-2014
Gemma Errico


This paper analyzes historically the origin and the development of Freinet Movement in Spain: the Cooperative Movement of people's school (MCEP), which belongs to the International Federation of Moderne School Movements and which, complying with people's and cooperative pedagogy of Célestin Freinet, inserts itself in the varied frame of the educational renewal. It illustrates an historical analysis of MCEP, retracing the stages of Freinet Pedagogy diffusion in Spain. Moreover, it describes the educational principles that guide the action of the MCEP educators, as well as the teaching techniques adopted by them. These principles and techniques, which enhance the expressive and responsive ability of pupils, coincide with the pedagogical principles and teaching techniques developed by Freinet, whose pedagogical proposal still represents a peculiar way to realize the educational practice at school, contributing to the improvement of the teaching-learning process.

How to Cite

Errico, G. (2014). Freinet Pedagogy in Spain: the importance of Cooperative Movement of people’s school (MCEP). Cabás. International Journal on Historical-Educational Heritage, (12), 1–14. (Original work published December 21, 2023)
Abstract 219 | Cabas1201 (Español) Downloads 207



Célestin Freinet, Cooperative Movement of people's school, Freinet Pedagogy, people's pedagogy, cooperative pedagogy

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