Aurora Gutiérrez Galante A teacher ́s profile as she passes through the Albericia (Cantabria), in the centenary of her birth (1913-2013)
This article describes Aurora Pérez Galante ́s professional and social profile. She was a teacher under the Education Act 1914 and the Professional Act 1931. She began her career in 1934 and retired nearly forty-five years later. She was a well-known person in one of Santander suburbs: ‘La Albericia’, and one of its streets is nowadays called after her. She was awarded the Alfonso X called The Wise medal for her teaching and human work. She was involved with different charities, such as providing social assistance for people without incomes. She also got the position of instructor and then headmasterin schools under the Women ́s Section, the women ́s branch of the Falange political movement in Spain.
How to Cite
Aurora Gutiérrez Galante, community kitchen, Albericia, Santander, Sección Femenina
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