Study of a village based on two notebooks school 1946-1947



Published 15-06-2013
Jesús Asensi Díaz


Different aspects of the community of Hontanaya (Cuenca) are studied based on two school notebooks, 1946-47, when the author of the present article was 7-8 years old. The class structure and the municipal area are described locating all the places there. Rich vocabulary and small drawings are used with a lot of agricultural words related to rural life, some of them already forgotten. We can have access to paperwork on the village and to some natural pictures as: the central square streetlamp, the Santo Cristo sanctuary, some sheep, some cheese, some wheat. We can see the characteristics of the school notebooks at that time in a country school with a rural background. The study of the community is completed with drawings and photos by the teacher Enrique Asensi.

How to Cite

Asensi Díaz, J. (2013). Study of a village based on two notebooks school 1946-1947. Cabás. International Journal on Historical-Educational Heritage, (09), 100–115. (Original work published December 21, 2023)
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Country school, two-place school desks, homemade industry, redaction, calligraphy, vocabulary, municipal area, environment

School Story