The American schools: a heritage of emigration



Published 15-06-2012
Perfecto Pereiro Lázara


During the Restoration, there was an exodus of Galicians who, in search of a life that the backward Galicia of the time could not offer them, went to America, a land where they could find many more opportunities for economic and social progress.

But most of the emigrants were poorly educated, which prevented them from gaining access to skilled jobs.

The realisation of the importance of education in the development of society meant that the emigrants, when economic conditions allowed them to do so, encouraged, using different ways of channelling their aid, the creation of decent, well-equipped schools in their native Galicia, like those in the American countries that welcomed them. These are what have come to be called American schools.

How to Cite

Pereiro Lázara, P. (2012). The American schools: a heritage of emigration. Cabás. International Journal on Historical-Educational Heritage, (07), 33–41. (Original work published December 21, 2023)
Abstract 47 | Cabas0704 (Español) Downloads 30



schools, Americans, heritage, emigration

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