The Voices of Memory: Recovering a collective past through an pedagogical exhibition



Published 15-06-2012
José Peirats Chacón Julio Tarín Ibáñez Alicia Barberá Ortega


This paper is based on the synthesis and appraisal of the set of ideas that took various members of the school community of the CEIP "Torrefiel" of Valencia to plan the teaching exhibition that was held in the last quarter of last year for its 50th anniversary. The article evolves around three main axes on which the experience took place: the recovery of the voices of professors and teachers, as well as the history of the school itself and its neighbourhood. The goals that have guided this experience were the global recovery of the historical and educational heritage, as well as the critical reflection about the role of the school today.

How to Cite

Peirats Chacón, J., Tarín Ibáñez, J., & Barberá Ortega, A. (2012). The Voices of Memory: Recovering a collective past through an pedagogical exhibition. Cabás. International Journal on Historical-Educational Heritage, (07), 71–82. (Original work published December 21, 2023)
Abstract 22 | Cabas0707 (Español) Downloads 9



voices of memory, recover, past, collective, pedagogical exhibition

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