Old buildings for new children? the becoming of a centennial school in Rosario, Argentina
The Argentine school park is made up of some buildings that, with more than 100 years old, continue to house local children and adolescents. The building of the Normal School No. 1 in Rosario (1897), the first of its kind built in the city, is presented in this paper. It is proposed to approach its analysis through the category of historical public school, putting into play the explicit relationship of the school building with the present paying, with primary sources and field work, questions typical of current schooling. On the one hand, it is argued that the power of a school building lies in the ability to be flexible to the demands of use present in the character and autonomy of the original architectural project. On the other hand, the demands of today's childhood can be met by recovering and recreating pedagogical and architectural heritage.
How to Cite
historical schools, normal schools, school architecture, Rosario, Argentina
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