Théorie du liage, diachronie et énonciation: sur les anaphores possessives du basque



Argitaratua 1986-04-02
Georges Rebuschi


In the 17th century the Basque dialect of Labourd opposed "reflexive" and "non-reflexive" possessive pronouns. These pronouns can be interpreted respectively as anaphoric and pronominal in the theory of binding.
   After a quick-introduction of the whole system and a summary of its theoretical importance regarding Transformational-Generative Grammar, we find the description of several contemporary systems ("restricted" Navarro-Labourdin, "expanded" Navarro-Lab., Guipuzcoan, Biscayan). The author attempts to snow that the study of the opposition between these possessive pronouns makes us introduce into the lexical characterization of some of them the (± topic) enunciation parameter or "feature". It also prevents us from making an absolute split between constituent grammar on the one hand and text-speech grammar on the other.

Nola aipatu

Rebuschi, Georges. 1986. «Théorie Du Liage, Diachronie Et énonciation: Sur Les Anaphores Possessives Du Basque». Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 20 (2):325-41.
Abstract 199 | PDF Downloads 291



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