Euskal Izkindeako aditza (Hiperbizkaieraren historiaz II)



Argitaratua 1986-04-02
Itziar Laka


In this article we look at the birth of hyperbiscayan (hiperbizkaiera), that is to say the verbal system presented in 1891 by R.M.a de Azkue in Euskal-Izkindea ("Basque Grammar"). We have attempted to show that the Euskal-Izkindea the source of hyperbiscayan itself has its main source in Astarloa'a Discursos Filosóficos (1883). The aim of the Euskal-Izkindea is to put Astarloa's ideas into practice by taking his theses, based on data from the actual language, and presenting them in action in the rules of the language. Hyperbiscayan is the concrete result of the project. In his grammar, Azkue tries to show that Basque is the natural or prime language (giza-izkeraa), and that this marvellous characteristic is mainly to be noted in its verb. The Basque verb (although Azkue uses only the Biscayan. dialect to prove it) is regular, analogical, and responds precisely to the laws of nature. The verbal forms which hyperbiscayan selects (and creates) are chosen for their regularity, on the basic supposition that analogy is evidence of antiquity.

Nola aipatu

Laka, Itziar. 1986. «Euskal Izkindeako Aditza (Hiperbizkaieraren Historiaz II)». Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 20 (3):705-54.
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