Larramendiren garaikide bat: zenbait xehetasun Joanes Etxeberri Sarakoaz



Argitaratua 1991-04-02
Gidor Bilbao


This paper is a first step in the revision of Joanes Etxeberri de Sara's works. New exact data to locate several documents regarding Etxeberri de Sara's personality and his works are given. A guide-line for a new edition of his Basque version is offered together with a first edition of his Latin version. The latter, known as the Zarauz Manuscript, comprises Etxeberri de Sara's essays and his Latin grammar.
   The year 1716 is suggested as the date in which the Zarauz Manuscript was written. This later date implies that it was a revised edition of the one written in 1712. Etxeberri started to compile his cuatrilingual dictionary before 1712.
   The reading of Etxeberri's works should take into consideration his three most important goals: 1) The Teaching of Latin to those Basque native speakers who have to learn other languages. 2) To encourage the Basque native speakers to write in their own language. 3) To show the Basque native speakers who are not conscious of it that their language is a treasure.
   Finally, Etxeberri's Escual-Herriari eta escualdun guztiei escuarazco hatsapenac latin ikhasteco can be claimed as a genuine Latin grammar it is a tract influenced by works which range from the classic tradition to the 17th century grammars. It is important to mention the probable Jesuit influence of the ratio studiorum in Etxeberri's works for the Jesuits had been his schoolmasters.

Nola aipatu

Bilbao, Gidor. 1991. «Larramendiren Garaikide Bat: Zenbait Xehetasun Joanes Etxeberri Sarakoaz». Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 25 (3):751-68.
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