Van Eysen gramatika-lanak
Ibon Sarasola
This paper deals with the contribution of the Dutch linguist Wyllen J. van Eys (1825-1914) to Basque studies. Within his contribution the Grammaire Comparée des Dialectes Basques (Paris 1879) is especially analysed. This is a Basque grammar written following the ideas and methods of the contemporary European linguistics. In his grammar van Eys sets up some of the basic ideas -like the absence of declension in Basque- generally accepted by grammarians nowadays, which had been considered the result of later research work.
How to Cite
Sarasola, Ibon. 1992. “Van Eysen Gramatika-Lanak”. Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo", January, 467-74.
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