The architect without project or The construction of the immobile
All architecture has an space between the landscape and the mask, that is, occupies the spaces between the construction of the nature and the face, or, equivalently, between the colective and the intimate: the city and the house. But thinking architecture with imagination makes it an expression and re-presentation of the symbolic, and, in the same way, makes that the imagined spaces and invented forms for the beauty are the configurations of the monumental, ideological and its power. However, when architecture is thought in its specific limits, in its terms, it gets its final forms of the masks of the emptiness and their ultimate spaces of the landscapes of immobility or, what is better, the immobile forms of time: the wall and the statue. Immobility of architecture which is the visibility of silence in the spaces.
How to Cite
Kahn, Louis I. 1972 (1981). “Amo los Inicios”. Conferencia 19 junio en Aspen, Colorado. En Louis Kahn: Idea e imagen”, Christian Norberg-Schulz con la colaboración de Jan Georg Diegerud; traducido por Ángel Sánchez Gijón. Madrid: Xarait
Mallarmé, Stéphane (1898) 2002. Fragmentos sobre el libro. Presentación de Francisco Jarauta; traducción, Juan Gregorio. Murcia: Colegio Oficial de Aparejadores y Arquitectos Técnicos
Oteiza, Jorge. (1959) 1988. “Memoria del concurso para el monumento a José Batlle y Ordóñez para la ciudad de Montevideo”. En Oteiza: Propósito experimental [An experimental proposition], exposición, 5 febrero - 20 marzo. Madrid: Fundación Caja de Pensiones
Oteiza, Jorge. 1988. “Memoria del concurso para el cementerio vasco en Ametzagaña” (1986). En Cartas al príncipe. Zarautz: Itzaropena
Wittgenstein, Ludwig (1967) 2007. Zettel. Ed. preparada por G.E.M. Anscombe & G.H. von Wrigth; traducción de Octavio Castro & Carlos Ulises Moulines. Ciudad de México: Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas
Zuaznabar Uzcudun, Guillermo. 2001. Jorge Oteiza, animal fronterizo: Casa taller, Irún 1957-58. Barcelona: Actar
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