Noise into play Dissonances and indeterminacy of the sound in the ludic



Published 2016-02-25
Moisés Mañas Carbonell Marina Pastor Aguilar


This article aims at presenting a correlation study between the concept of sound noise and the indeterminist aspects of the ludic experimental interaction, focusing on the survival horror games. Based on the ability of sound to cross the display interface and connect to the real space in which the player is found. It create a connection with the concept of ethics developed by Miguel Sicart. The proposal serves both experimental aspects of sound production that are in the game design and its relationship to the field of sound art, and the possibilities of opening up the field of politics and common action through the players experience, from a semantic movement in the concept of horror that can transform the experience of himself in real space.

How to Cite

Mañas Carbonell, Moisés, and Marina Pastor Aguilar. 2016. “Noise into Play: Dissonances and Indeterminacy of the Sound in the Ludic”. AusArt 3 (2).
Abstract 437 | PDF (Español) Downloads 336




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