The sound action as social demands An artistic intervention in the Barrio Espíritu Santo de Espinardo (Murcia)



Published 2016-02-25
Pedro Ortuño Mengual Gloria Lapeña Gallego


The aim of this paper is to analyze a collaborative practice of artistic intervention, carried out by students of the elective course in Fine Arts degree from the University of Murcia, "Sculptural interventions in the urban and natural space". In a slum in Murcia, students and families, after a series of meetings, agreed by consensus to remodel one of the streets. We were inspired by the Futurist Manifesto of Russolo (1913) and attend in listening sounds, noises and words spoken in the streets. The resulting proposals converge on the hallmark linked to singing, playing and dancing flamenco embodying rehabilitation of facades, improvement of infrastructure and mural painting as a place where ethnic and idiosyncratic artistic practice hybridizes.

How to Cite

Ortuño Mengual, Pedro, and Gloria Lapeña Gallego. 2016. “The Sound Action As Social Demands: An Artistic Intervention in the Barrio Espíritu Santo De Espinardo (Murcia)”. AusArt 3 (2).
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