The sound density as an allegory of darkness



Published 2016-02-25
Joaquim Cantalozella i Planas


At a metaphorical level, the dualism between light and darkness has illustrated practically every artistic account that adopted dichotomies of different kinds to describe the battle between good and evil, truth and falsehood or, by extension, rationality and the irrational. The inherently visual nature of human thought endows these concepts with many shapes and meanings, using allegory to create narratives that are reaffirmed in myth and unlock the doors to a hidden reality. But while the visual is important, this paper takes as its subject the notion that sound can also create contexts and pictures of hidden realities. Specifically, it analyzes musical tendencies which use noise to evoke what is unintelligible, uncommon or otherwise shrouded in darkness.

How to Cite

Cantalozella i Planas, Joaquim. 2016. “The Sound Density As an Allegory of Darkness”. AusArt 3 (2).
Abstract 1055 | PDF (Español) Downloads 467




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