Sonear- voicing, sonification and audification Transformations of the electromagnetic field in art



Published 2016-02-25
Alejandra Bueno de Santiago


Using the everyday into art changes, currently the technology and electronic extensions who are under this framework. The transition from analog to digital has created a new work item, a non-detectable airborne material. We deal with more machines than people, and they do not speak but generate energies and vibrations, a second level of machine-user interaction. The energies flow through us and we can be sensitive or not, or rather, can be conscious or not. The dream to understand the world is based on mastering every enviroment, the visible and the invisible. Therefore my practice and research has been focused on the detection of electromagnetic signals emitted by machines to make them detectable. The signal is amplified by a device that increases the value of the signal. They are low frequencies as radio waves, the sunlight or those emitted by plants and living organisms. This frequency is modified and used in different musical compositions.

How to Cite

Bueno de Santiago, Alejandra. 2016. “Sonear- Voicing, Sonification and Audification: Transformations of the Electromagnetic Field in Art”. AusArt 3 (2).
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