(H)Acts or How art turns into a soft technology



Published 2016-12-31
Alberto Salcedo Fernández


The transmission of memory associated with the Obsolescent Industrial Architectural Heritage of the Basque Country (OIAHBC) -Patrimonio Arquitectónico Industrial Obsolescente del País Vasco (PAIOPV)- is being lost. How can artistic action, understood as a soft technology, be able to generate institutional dynamics and contribute to 'revitalize' the historical memory? We contemplate the hypothesis that artistic actions can be methodologies dealing with human social interactions and can increase institutional awareness regarding the value of OIAHBC/PAIOPV. Artistic actions on OIAHBC/PAIOPV aim to facilitate the transmission and revitalization of the Basque industrial memory. The theoretical framework is structured with 6 key concepts: space, obsolescence, heritage, industrial architecture, soft technology and artistic action. The methodology includes an analysis of cases, the development of a typology and the creation of a series of artistic actions. The contributions are (1) a guide of good practices for managers OIAHBC/PAIOPV; (2) an archive of oral testimonies on OIAHBC/PAIOPV and (3) a series of artistic actions.

How to Cite

Salcedo Fernández, Alberto. 2016. “(H)Acts or How Art Turns into a Soft Technology”. AusArt 4 (2). https://doi.org/10.1387/ausart.17195.
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