Aesthetic curves for an artistic-feminist revolution



Published 2017-07-11
Alejandra Bueno de Santiago


The main problem that still exists in feminisms is the lack of union that has resulted from an epistemic crisis and knowledge. This has been transferred to the artistic field, but with less rivalries, what happens at the moment is a reflection of knowledge and cultural artistic practices, which begins by questioning the whole, to remain in a fragmented analysis, since the gestalt inclusion would only propitiate a new exclusive and fixed social order. It begins with the analysis of aesthetics, intrinsic quality to human thought, then human, a historicist conception based on a hermetic and patriarchal figure, the historical, a battlefield in which the woman has been the reproductive element, the public space, place of encounter and generation of knowledge and so on. This proposal establishes a series of conceptual and practical relations that try not to eliminate old cultural paradigms, but rather they try to criticize the old ones and to promote new relations that seek to re-know in the known thing, to practice themselves, what Rian Lozano called 'abnormal cultural practices´'. To discuss the subject in depth and to analyze a real case, the International Women's Film Festival, Fem Tour Truck, is proposed as an abnormal cultural practice.

How to Cite

Bueno de Santiago, Alejandra. 2017. “Aesthetic Curves for an Artistic-Feminist Revolution”. AusArt 5 (1).
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