The particular evolution of art and cultural evolution



Published 2017-12-20
Carlos Martínez Gorriarán


The evolution of culture is based on natural evolution, but it has important differences that make it a distinct development. At the same time, the evolution of art shows a peculiar logic, different from the evolution of science and society. The aesthetic canons begin and end abruptly for a more or less extended period of time, without gradual transitions, forming a community of representation. Certain immanent qualities of the aesthetic, associated with cognition and the functioning of the mind, can explain this peculiarity better than traditional biological, philosophical and sociological theories. The aesthetic creation is fundamental for the development of the basic symbolic thought, without accumulating either adjustments or a knowledge normalized in successive paradigms.

How to Cite

Martínez Gorriarán, Carlos. 2017. “The Particular Evolution of Art and Cultural Evolution”. AusArt 5 (2).
Abstract 964 | PDF (Español) Downloads 3251




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