Live music of small locals in Spain Surviving in spite of excess of regulations



Published 2019-12-30
Crismary Ospina Gallego


Performing live music in small venues is the reality of independent musicians, it is another step that must be taken in the musical profession, in addition to being the livelihood of many artists, it offers an increase in income to the cultural establishment allows performing; A perfect symbiosis that requires little investment from the hostelry, also little logistics from the artist and the public values it and enjoys it very much. In this article the laws that make the exercise of independent music in Spain an unprofitable and sacrificed task are analyzed. Guiding the live music sector to job insecurity. The laws that regulate live music are designed for medium and large events, forgetting for decades of small capacity concerts, which stayed outside the legal framework that has led cultural venues and artists to risk paying large sums in fines or have legal repercussions to offer culture to their clients.

How to Cite

Ospina Gallego, Crismary. 2019. “Live Music of Small Locals in Spain: Surviving in Spite of Excess of Regulations”. AusArt 7 (2).
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Orden de 3 de mayo de 1935 por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de Espectáculos Públicos (Gaceta del 5 de mayo de 1935, corregida por otra Gaceta de 8 de mayo).

Real Decreto 2816/1982, de 27 de agosto, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento General de Policía de Espectáculos Públicos y Actividades Recreativas (BOE núm. 267, de 6 de noviembre)