Contemporary art and STEAM in the training of primary education teachers Art and science intersections
Francisco Javier Serón Torrecilla
Víctor Murillo Ligorred
The STEM approach has evolved over the last decade into a new acronym STEAM, in which Art and Design are presented in their full capacity. Elements such as creative and critical thinking, associated to these dimensions, seem to be the complementary support to face the enormous complexity of the 21st century, among which we find teaching and, in the specific case presented, pre-service teachers in primary education. Through an experience that has been developed over the last four academic years, this article addresses the impact of work based on the discourses that arise from contemporary art expressions in a didactic context in which different areas intervene in an interdisciplinary manner. Based on the selection of several cases, and the analysis of the resulting art and science products, we analyze how contemporary art, in its imbrication with the STEAMs, can facilitate the conceptual understanding of phenomena such as light and color that involve two areas of didactics.
How to Cite
Serón Torrecilla, Francisco Javier, and Víctor Murillo Ligorred. 2020. “Contemporary Art and STEAM in the Training of Primary Education Teachers: Art and Science Intersections”. AusArt 8 (1).
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Belardo, Christy, Andrea C. Burrows & Lydia Dambekalns. 2017. “Partnering science and art: Preservice teachers’ experiences for use in pre-collegiate classrooms”. Problems of education in the 21st Century 75(3): 215-34
Ching, Chor Leng Twardzik. 2015. “Teaching contemporary art in primary schools”. Athens Journal of Humanities & Arts 2(2): 95-110.
Efland, Arthur D. 2004. Arte y cognición: La integración de las artes visuales en el currículum. Trad., Angels Mata Masó. Barcelona: Octaedro
Eisner, Elliot W. (1980) 1994. Cognición y currículum. Una visión nueva. Trad., Edith Litwin. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu. Orig.: Dewey Lecture 1980
Eisner, Elliot W. 1998. El ojo ilustrado, indagación cualitativa y mejora de la práctica educativa. Traducción de David Cifuentes & Laura López. Barcelona: Paidós
Gardner, Howard. 1987. Arte, mente y cerebro. Traducción de Gloria G.M. de Vitale. Barcelona: Paidós
Gardner, Howard. (1990) 1994. Educación artística y desarrollo humano. Traducción de Ferrán Meler Ortí. Barcelona: Paidós
Goodman, Nelson. (1984) 1995. De la mente y otras materias. Traducción de Rafael Guardiola. Madrid: Visor
Maeda, John. 2013. “STEM + Art = STEAM”. The STEAM Journal 1(1), art. 34.
Pérez Tudela, Julio D. 2015. "STEM, STEAM... ¿pero eso qué es?"., 21 abril.
Taylor, Peter. 2016. “Why is a STEAM curriculum perspective crucial to the 21st Century?”. Invited paper presented at the Australian Council for Education Research-ACER Research Conference 'Improving STEM learning - What will it take?' 7-9 August, Brisbane
Taylor, Elisabeth & Peter C. Taylor. 2017. “Breaking down enlghtenment silos: From STEM to ST2EAM education and beyond”. En Thirteen questions: Reframing education’s conversation; Science, Joe L. Kincheloe & Shirley R. Steinberg, eds. Bern: Peter Lang
Tárrega Astigarraga, Oihana & Paloma Palau Pellicer. 2014. “La educación plástica y visual en espacios de arte contemporáneo”. Fòrum de Recerca 19: 239-58
Yakman, Georgette. 2008. “STEAM Education: An overview of creating a model of integrative education”. Tesis Virginia Polytechnic and State Univ.
Yakman, Georgette & Hyonyong Lee. 2012. “Exploring the exemplary STEAM education in the US as a practical educational framework for Korea”. Journal of the Korean Association for Research in Science Education 32(6): 1072-86.
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