(Written) technologies of the self Confession- method, genre, subject
The aim of this paper consists of approaching the literary genre of the confession, what some positions in the western philosophical tradition have propounded as a not systematic thought form as well as a writing on subjective experience. We will review some notions that philosophy has reflected on this genre in relation to the subject ―basically at the hands of María Zambrano (1904-1991)―; and the recognition of the written confession as technology of the self in Michel Foucault’s (1926-1984) thought. The objective is, as far as a technology of the self is concerned, that the confessional writing can contribute a theoretical-practical framework in which art or the artistic attitude ―and what so particularly we name writing in art, as part of the plastic and visual art practices― can recognised as the subjective work and the self it is.
How to Cite
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