Mina Loy and demolition through writing Experimentation, connections and expansion from the artistic side



Published 2022-06-28
Janire Sagasti Ruiz


In an approach to a certain aesthetics of madness as a form of artistic writing, the starting point is an approximation to dissident and marginal figures who used language as a weapon, establishing connections with the subversive category of punk. However, within this panorama of ‘cursed writing’ that seems eternally subjugated to masculinity, it is necessary to recover female voices that have stood out in history for their raw and literal tone. The article rescues one of the most ethereal female artists of the twentieth century and precursor of feminist currents: Mina Loy. Both in the linguistic and plastic fields, the artist starts from a need to attack the established canons through a rupturist aesthetics. His capacity for linguistic experimentation is expanded and displaced correlatively to his plastic art, being inseparable from his own subversive character. His work deserves attention as an artistic force of the first order.

How to Cite

Sagasti Ruiz, Janire. 2022. “Mina Loy and Demolition through Writing: Experimentation, Connections and Expansion from the Artistic Side”. AusArt 10 (1). https://doi.org/10.1387/ausart.23493.
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