Interdisciplinary correspondences, a free writing Letters, e-mails and video letters in the digital age



Published 2022-06-28
Joan Gómez Alemany


The present situation and the artistic legacy of the avant-garde are analyzed in order to understand in what direction free writing and art can be carried out, exemplified in the genre of the letter or epistle, the e-mail and the video letter. Various cases and their antecedents are shown, analyzing their most relevant characteristics and the period in which they take place. In the case of letters and e-mails, it is exemplified in a novel that breaks all the structures established by this genre throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. In the case of video letters, the examples correspond to historical periods such as classic cinema, modernity and contemporary cinema. Also analyzing the rupture of the disciplinary system of the arts by a new interdisciplinary one, favored by digital technology, the internet age and free knowledge.

How to Cite

Gómez Alemany, Joan. 2022. “Interdisciplinary Correspondences, a Free Writing: Letters, E-Mails and Video Letters in the Digital Age”. AusArt 10 (1).
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