Measures for the improvement of Secondary Education in Spain



Published 26-01-2024
Pablo Martínez Pastor


This article presents a brief perspective of the laws that have guided the Spanish education system since the mid 19th century until the beginning of the 21st, and proposes a number of possible measures that can be applied to the correction of the Spanish educational system, in the stage of compulsory secondary education. Such a proposal is based on the analysis of the educational system in Spain and what in our view is a mistake of the educational policies in recent years. The set of proposed measures for the improvement of the system remove which pose a major economic investment from the public purse. They are, therefore, measures that do not affect the means invested, but measures of curricular and organizational type.

How to Cite

Martínez Pastor, P. . (2024). Measures for the improvement of Secondary Education in Spain. Cabás. International Journal on Historical-Educational Heritage, (18), 107–131. (Original work published December 21, 2023)
Abstract 93 | Cabas1805 (Español) Downloads 33



Teaching skills, Academic Achievment, Professional Education

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