Educate from the museum. Experiences in the Museo Pedagóxico de Galicia
Since its birth, in 2002, the Museo Pedagóxico de Galicia has established as one of its priority objectives the dissemination of educational historical heritage. This is the focus of the work carried out in its Didactic Area, which, through different educational proposals, acts as a mediator between the museum and its different types of public. This article offers an overview of the projects that are currently underway as well as the objectives that the museum faces in the future.
How to Cite
Pedagogical Museum, Galicia, Educational Historical Heritage
Castro Fustes, E. (coord.) (2014) 10 anos do Museo Pedagóxico de Galicia. Santiago de Compostela: Xunta de Galicia.
Costa Rico, A. (2004) Historia da educación e da cultura en Galicia. Vigo: Edicións Xerais.
García Blanco, A. (1994) Didáctica del museo. El descubrimiento de los objetos. Madrid: Ediciones de la Torre.
Peña Saavedra, V. (comp.) (2005) Mupega. Memoria Inaugural. Santiago de Compostela: Xunta de Galicia.
Peña Saavedra, V. (dir.) y Castro Fustes, E. (coord.) (2002): Museo Pedagóxico de Galicia. Proxecto museolóxico e museográfico. Santiago de Compostela: Xunta de Galicia.
Ríal Sánchez, A. (2008) Presentación da Rede Mupega. Santiago de Compostela: Xunta de Galicia.
Tilden, F. (2015) La interpretación de nuestro patrimonio. Sevilla: Asociación para la interpretación del patrimonio.
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