Museum of the Santa Catarina School: a virtual tour, archives, collections and conserved spaces



Published 15-12-2021
Sandra Makowiecky Beatriz Goudard


The text addresses initiatives in which the search for the preservation of places of memory of education finds place in the construction of a museum - The Museum of the Santa Catarina School (MESC) of the State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC), located in Florianópolis, Brazil, who experienced an experience of preservation of his building and physical spaces, in addition to the construction of its archives in a virtual way, including with a virtual tour, as well as the production of books, aiming that their preservation and valorization can guarantee that the works of memories are able to legitimize identities.

How to Cite

Makowiecky, S. ., & Goudard, B. . (2021). Museum of the Santa Catarina School: a virtual tour, archives, collections and conserved spaces. Cabás. International Journal on Historical-Educational Heritage, (26), 341–366. (Original work published December 21, 2023)
Abstract 39 | Cabas2621 (Español) Downloads 11 Cabas2621PT (Español) Downloads 11



Museum of the Santa Catarina School, building archives in school museums, spaces and collections preserved in school museums, virtual tour in school museums

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Historical-Educational Heritage Centres